The Inclusive Organization

(INCLUSV-ORG.AE1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-482-7
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Über diesen Kurs

Der Kurs „Inklusive Organisation“ geht über Checklisten für Diversität und Inklusion hinaus und konzentriert sich auf die Schaffung einer wirklich inklusiven Arbeitsplatzkultur. In der heutigen globalen und vernetzten Welt ist die Förderung einer Umgebung, die Diversität schätzt und annimmt, nicht nur ein moralischer Imperativ; es ist eine strategische Notwendigkeit. Dieser Kurs ist darauf ausgerichtet, Führungskräfte, HR-Experten und Mitarbeiter auf allen Ebenen mit dem Wissen und den Fähigkeiten auszustatten, die sie brauchen, um integrative Organisationen aufzubauen und aufrechtzuerhalten.

Fähigkeiten, die Sie erwerben werden


11+ Unterricht | 18+ Übungen | 97+ Tests | 44+ Karteikarten | 44+ Glossar der Begriffe




 Decoding Human Behavior

  • History of Race
  • The Great Divergence
  • Bridging the Great Divergence
  • Lesson Reflection

 Who Let the Dogs Out?

  • You Have the Right to Remain Dishonest
  • Decoding the Workplace
  • Dynamic Solutions for Dynamic Companies
  • Exercise: Driving DEI Impact by Establishing Accountability Through Action

 Franchising the Framework

  • Finding Your North
  • Devising Our Own Solutions
  • The Three Ps
  • Exercise: Join the Three Ps Franchise

 The Most Underrated Leader

  • The Dos and the Don'ts
  • Constructing Your DEI Department
  • Selecting Your Candidate
  • The First 90 Days
  • Exercise: Is Your Organization Ready to Hire a DEI Leader?

 Sustainable Learning: Upgrading Your Learn...lopment—MapQuest Directions to Google Maps

  • The Oprah of Programming: Everyone Gets Learning and Development!
  • How to Incorporate L&D
  • Building Your Organization's Career Map
  • Exercise: Designing Inclusive Career Mapping

Are Your Policies Powerful or Powerless?

  • How to Support Your Employees
  • The What's Next Assessment
  • Exercise: The What's Next Assessment

Diversity Recruiting

  • Proactively Building a Pipeline
  • It Takes All of Us
  • The Life Cycle of Recruiting
  • Exercise: Is Your Recruiting Life Cycle Inclusive?

Employee Resource Strategy Groups

  • ERSGs: How Will You Know If You're Ready?
  • Exercise: A Strong Support Structure Fuels High‐Performing ERSGs

Impactful Layoffs

  • You Can't Dig Yourself Out of a Hole That Hasn't Been Dug
  • Preparing for Empathetic Layoffs
  • How to Move Forward Together
  • Exercise: Are You Prepared to Make Impactful Layoffs?

Don't Retire Yet

  • Lesson 1: Decoding Human Behavior
  • Lesson 2: Who Let the Dogs Out?
  • Lesson 3: Franchising the Framework
  • Lesson 4: The Most Underrated Leader
  • Lesson 5: Sustainable Learning: Upgrading Your L...lopment—MapQuest Directions to Google Maps
  • Lesson 6: Are Your Policies Powerful or Powerless?
  • Lesson 7: Diversity Recruiting
  • Lesson 8: Employee Resource Strategy Groups
  • Lesson 9: Impactful Layoffs
  • Exercise: DEI Commitment Petition

The Inclusive Organization

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