OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer (1Z0-829)

(1Z0-829.AE1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-405-6
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Über diesen Kurs

Dieser Kurs bietet eine umfassende Anleitung zur Vorbereitung auf die Zertifizierungsprüfung OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer (1Z0-829). Unser Kurs deckt alle in den Prüfungszielen beschriebenen Schlüsselthemen ab, darunter Java-Grundlagen, objektorientierte Programmierung, funktionale Programmierung, modulare Anwendungen, Parallelität, Sicherheit und Datenbankoperationen. Durch eine Kombination aus ausführlichen Vorlesungen, praktischen Programmierübungen und Probeprüfungen erwerben die Studierenden das Wissen und die Fähigkeiten, die sie benötigen, um die Zertifizierungsprüfung erfolgreich zu bestehen und Java SE 17-Konzepte in realen Szenarien anzuwenden.

Fähigkeiten, die Sie erwerben werden


16+ Unterricht | 251+ Übungen | 356+ Tests | 791+ Karteikarten | 280+ Glossar der Begriffe


50+ Fragen vor der Beurteilung | 2+ Ausführliche Tests | 50+ Fragen nach der Bewertung | 100+ Testfragen zur Praxis

Praktische Übungen

89+ LiveLab | 28+ Videoanleitungen | 37+ Minutes



  • Understanding the Exam
  • Reading This Course
  • Studying for the Exam
  • Applying Test-Taking Strategies
  • Taking the Exam
  • Objective Map

Building Blocks

  • Learning about the Environment
  • Understanding the Class Structure
  • Writing a main() Method
  • Understanding Package Declarations and Imports
  • Creating Objects
  • Understanding Data Types
  • Declaring Variables
  • Initializing Variables
  • Managing Variable Scope
  • Destroying Objects
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials


  • Understanding Java Operators
  • Applying Unary Operators
  • Working with Binary Arithmetic Operators
  • Assigning Values
  • Comparing Values
  • Making Decisions with the Ternary Operator
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Making Decisions

  • Creating Decision-Making Statements
  • Applying switch Statements
  • Writing while Loops
  • Constructing for Loops
  • Controlling Flow with Branching
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Core APIs

  • Creating and Manipulating Strings
  • Using the StringBuilder Class
  • Understanding Equality
  • Understanding Arrays
  • Calculating with Math APIs
  • Working with Dates and Times
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials


  • Designing Methods
  • Declaring Local and Instance Variables
  • Working with Varargs
  • Applying Access Modifiers
  • Accessing static Data
  • Passing Data among Methods
  • Overloading Methods
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Class Design

  • Understanding Inheritance
  • Creating Classes
  • Declaring Constructors
  • Initializing Objects
  • Inheriting Members
  • Creating Abstract Classes
  • Creating Immutable Objects
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Beyond Classes

  • Implementing Interfaces
  • Working with Enums
  • Sealing Classes
  • Encapsulating Data with Records
  • Creating Nested Classes
  • Understanding Polymorphism
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Lambdas and Functional Interfaces

  • Writing Simple Lambdas
  • Coding Functional Interfaces
  • Using Method References
  • Working with Built-in Functional Interfaces
  • Working with Variables in Lambdas
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Collections and Generics

  • Using Common Collection APIs
  • Using the List Interface
  • Using the Set Interface
  • Using the Queue and Deque Interfaces
  • Using the Map Interface
  • Comparing Collection Types
  • Sorting Data
  • Working with Generics
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials


  • Returning an Optional
  • Using Streams
  • Working with Primitive Streams
  • Working with Advanced Stream Pipeline Concepts
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Exceptions and Localization

  • Understanding Exceptions
  • Recognizing Exception Classes
  • Handling Exceptions
  • Automating Resource Management
  • Formatting Values
  • Supporting Internationalization and Localization
  • Loading Properties with Resource Bundles
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials


  • Introducing Modules
  • Creating and Running a Modular Program
  • Updating Our Example for Multiple Modules
  • Diving into the Module Declaration
  • Creating a Service
  • Discovering Modules
  • Comparing Types of Modules
  • Migrating an Application
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials


  • Introducing Threads
  • Creating Threads with the Concurrency API
  • Writing Thread-Safe Code
  • Using Concurrent Collections
  • Identifying Threading Problems
  • Working with Parallel Streams
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials


  • Referencing Files and Directories
  • Operating on File and Path
  • Introducing I/O Streams
  • Reading and Writing Files
  • Serializing Data
  • Interacting with Users
  • Working with Advanced APIs
  • Review of Key APIs
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials


  • Introducing Relational Databases and SQL
  • Introducing the Interfaces of JDBC
  • Connecting to a Database
  • Working with a PreparedStatement
  • Little Bobby Tables
  • Getting Data from a ResultSet
  • Calling a CallableStatement
  • Controlling Data with Transactions
  • Closing Database Resources
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials


Building Blocks

  • Using the main() Method
  • Passing Parameters to a Java Program
  • Calling Constructors
  • Creating a Wrapper Class


  • Using the Division and Modulus Operators
  • Using the Logical AND Operator
  • Using the Logical OR Operator
  • Using the Ternary Operator

Making Decisions

  • Using the if Statement
  • Using the if-else Statement
  • Using the switch Statement
  • Using the do/while Loop
  • Using the while Loop
  • Using the for-each Loop
  • Using the for Loop
  • Using the Nested Loop
  • Using the continue Statement

Core APIs

  • Using the equals() Method
  • Using the replace() and length() Methods
  • Using the insert() Method
  • Using the append() Method
  • Sorting, Searching, and Printing the Index of an Element in an Array


  • Using Return Type
  • Declaring Instance Variables
  • Using the static Method

Class Design

  • Extending a Class
  • Calling Parent Constructors with the super() Keyword
  • Using the abstract Modifier

Beyond Classes

  • Using an Interface
  • Creating Enums
  • Creating a static Nested Class
  • Using Polymorphism

Lambdas and Functional Interfaces

  • Creating a Lambda Expression
  • Implementing a User-Defined Functional Interface
  • Using the Predicate Interface

Collections and Generics

  • Using the remove() Method
  • Using the Diamond Operator
  • Sorting an Array
  • Using Unbounded Wildcards


  • Creating an Optional Class
  • Using the map() Method
  • Using the count() Method
  • Using the min() and max() Methods
  • Generating an Infinite Stream of Integers
  • Implementing the skip() Method on a Stream
  • Using the limit() Method
  • Using the distinct() Method
  • Using the filter() Method
  • Using the collect() Method
  • Using the reduce() Method
  • Using the forEach() Method
  • Using the noneMatch() Method
  • Using the anyMatch() Method
  • Using the allMatch() Method
  • Using the findFirst() Method
  • Using the findAny() Method
  • Demonstrating Spliterator Using the tryAdvance() Method

Exceptions and Localization

  • Using a Stack Trace
  • Creating a Custom Exception
  • Using Multiple catch Blocks
  • Using the SimpleDateFormat Class
  • Formatting Numbers


  • Using a Module


  • Creating a Thread by Implementing the Runnable Interface
  • Creating a Thread by Extending the Thread Class
  • Using the CyclicBarrier Class
  • Applying the ReentrantLock Interface
  • Using the CopyOnWriteArrayList Class
  • Understanding SkipList Collections


  • Creating the File Object
  • Using the isSameFile() Method
  • Deleting a File Using the delete() and deleteIfExists() Methods
  • Using the isAbsolute() Method
  • Deriving a Path Using the relativize() Method
  • Deriving a Path Using the normalize() Method
  • Using the exists() Method
  • Using the InputStream Class
  • Using the OutputStream Class
  • Reading a File Using the readAllLines() Method
  • Applying the Serializable Interface
  • Searching a Directory Using the find() Method
  • Implementing the skip() Method on a File
  • Using the mark() and reset() Methods


  • Using the SELECT Statement
  • Using the DELETE Statement
  • Using the CREATE TABLE Statement
  • Using the UPDATE Statement
  • Connecting to a Database
  • Using the PreparedStatement Interface

OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer (1Z0-829)

$ 279.99

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