Management Information System (MIS)

(MIS.AA1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-460-5
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Über diesen Kurs

Entdecken Sie die Leistungsfähigkeit von Management Information System (MIS) in unserem spannenden und dynamischen Kurs. Mit interaktiven Lektionen, Tests, Prüfungsvorbereitungen und praktischen Übungen erlangen Sie ein umfassendes Verständnis davon, wie MIS wichtige Hardware- und Softwaresysteme für eine effektive Entscheidungsfindung in Organisationen steuert. Der Kurs behandelt die historische Bedeutung von MIS als Rückgrat der frühen Unternehmensinformatik bis hin zu seiner Entwicklung zu einer größeren Bandbreite interner Systeme und vermittelt Ihnen das Wissen und die Fähigkeiten, die Sie benötigen, um auf dem sich ständig verändernden Gebiet des Informationssystemmanagements erfolgreich zu sein.

Fähigkeiten, die Sie erwerben werden


16+ Unterricht | 169+ Übungen | 110+ Tests | 117+ Karteikarten | 117+ Glossar der Begriffe


50+ Fragen vor der Beurteilung | 1+ Ausführliche Tests | 50+ Fragen nach der Bewertung | 40+ Testfragen zur Praxis



  • MIS Versus IT Management

Importance of MIS

  • What Is MIS?
  • What Are the Objectives of MIS?
  • What Are the Characteristics of MIS?
  • What Are the Functions of MIS?
  • What Are the Common Challenges of Implementing MIS in Organizations?
  • Summary

Organizational Strategy and Information Systems Strategy

  • What Is an Organizational Strategy?
  • What Are the Key Elements of an Organizational Strategy?
  • How Do You Develop a Good Organizational Strategy?
  • What Is an Information Systems Strategy?
  • What Is the Importance of Aligning Organizational and Information Systems Strategies?
  • Summary

Business Information Systems

  • What Is the Business Information System (BIS)?
  • How Do Organizations Use Business Intelligence (BI) Systems?
  • What Is the Impact of BIS on Your Career?
  • Summary


  • What Do Business Professionals Need to Know About Computer Hardware?
  • How Can New Hardware Affect Competitive Strategies?
  • Summary


  • What Do Business Professionals Need to Know About Software?
  • What Is the Importance of Virtualization?
  • What Are the Differences Between Native and Web Applications?
  • Summary 

Mobile Systems

  • Why Are Mobile Systems Increasingly Important?
  • What Are the Challenges of Personal Mobile Devices at Work?
  • Summary 

Database Processing

  • What Is a Database?
  • What Is Database Processing?
  • What Is a Database Management System (DBMS)?
  • How Are Data Models Used for Database Development?
  • How Is a Data Model Transformed into a Database Design?
  • Summary

Data Communication and Networking

  • What Is Data Communication and Networking?
  • What Are Network Topologies and Protocols?
  • What Are Internet, Intranet, and Extranet?
  • What Is Wireless Technology?
  • Summary

Cloud Computing

  • Why Are Organizations Moving to the Cloud?
  • What Network Technology Supports the Cloud?
  • Summary 

Global E-Business

  • What Is Global E-Business?
  • What Is E-Commerce?
  • What Is Supply Chain Management (SCM)?
  • Summary

Collaboration Information Systems

  • What Are the Criteria for Successful Collaboration?
  • What Are the Primary Purposes of Collaboration?
  • Which Collaboration Tool Is Right for a Team?
  • Summary

Achieve Competitive Advantage with Information Systems

  • How Do Information Systems Provide Competitive Advantages?
  • How Can Information Systems Improve Process Quality?
  • How Do AI, CRM, ERP, and EAI Support Enterprise Processes?
  • What Are the Challenges of Implementing and Upgrading Enterprise Information Systems?
  • Summary

Information Systems Security

  • What Is the Goal of Information Systems Security?
  • How Should Organizations Respond to Security Threats?
  • How Can Technical Safeguards Protect Against Security Threats?
  • How Can Data Safeguards Protect Against Security Threats?
  • How Can Human Safeguards Protect Against Security Threats?
  • Summary

Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems

  • What Do You Mean by Ethical and Social Issues?
  • What Are the Emerging Ethical and Social Issues in an Organization?
  • What Is the Impact of Ethical and Social Issues on Organizations?
  • How to Overcome Ethical and Social Issues in an Organization?
  • Summary

Information Systems Development and Management

  • How Are Business Processes, Information Systems, and Applications Developed?
  • How Do Organizations Use Business Process Management (BPM)?
  • What Are the Phases Involved in SDLC?
  • How Does Scrum Overcome the Problems of SDLC?
  • How Is Outsourcing Used to Manage Information Systems?
  • What Are User Rights and Responsibilities?
  • Summary

Importance of MIS

  • Identifying Activities

Organizational Strategy and Information Systems Strategy

  • Understanding Organizational Strategies
  • Identifying Organizational and Information Systems Strategies

Business Information Systems

  • Understanding Types of BI Analysis


  • Identifying Development Languages for Applications

Database Processing

  • Identifying Database Administration Tasks

Data Communication and Networking

  • Identifying Components and Types of Networking
  • Understanding Network Topologies

Collaboration Information Systems

  • Identifying Project Management Tasks

Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems

  • Identifying Ethical and Social Issues

Management Information System (MIS)

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