Java for Beginners

(JAVA-BEGIN.AE1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-459-9
Dieser Kurs beinhaltet
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Über diesen Kurs

Java für Anfänger öffnet die Tür zur Welt der Programmierung. Dieser Kurs bietet eine solide Grundlage für Java mit Schwerpunkt auf Einfachheit und Praktikabilität. Er bietet interaktive Lektionen, Tests und praktische Übungen, die den Lernprozess spannend und effektiv machen. Sie verstehen wesentliche Java-Konzepte durch klare Erklärungen und reale Codebeispiele. Am Ende des Kurses sind Sie gut vorbereitet, um in die weite Welt der Java-Programmierung einzutauchen.

Fähigkeiten, die Sie erwerben werden


20+ Unterricht | 18+ Übungen | 150+ Tests | 101+ Karteikarten | 101+ Glossar der Begriffe

Praktische Übungen

46+ LiveLab | 00+ Minutes



  • About This Course
  • Foolish Assumptions
  • Icons Used in This Course
  • Where to Go from Here

All about Java

  • What You Can Do with Java
  • Why You Should Use Java
  • Gaining Perspective: Where Java Fits In
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • What’s Next?

All about Software

  • Get Ready for Java
  • The Inside Scoop
  • Developing Software
  • Spoiler Alert!

Using the Basic Building Blocks

  • Speaking the Java Language
  • Checking Out Java Code for the First Time
  • Understanding a Simple Java Program
  • And Now, a Few Comments

Making the Most of Variables and Their Values

  • Varying a Variable
  • Experimenting with JShell
  • What Happened to All the Cool Visual Effects?
  • The Atoms: Java's Primitive Types
  • The Molecules and Compounds: Reference Types
  • An Import Declaration
  • Creating New Values by Applying Operators

Controlling Program Flow with Decision-Making Statements

  • Making Decisions (Java if Statements)
  • Using Blocks in JShell
  • Forming Conditions with Comparisons and Logical Operators
  • The Nesting Habits of if Statements
  • Choosing among Many Alternatives

Controlling Program Flow with Loops

  • Repeating Instructions Over and Over Again (Java while Statements)
  • Count On Me
  • You Can Always Get What You Want

The Inside scOOP

  • Defining a Class (What It Means to Be an Account)
  • Defining a Method within a Class (Displaying an Account)
  • Sending Values to and from Methods (Calculating Interest)
  • Giving Your Numbers a Makeover
  • Hide-and-Seek
  • Barry's Own GUI Class

Saving Time and Money: Reusing Existing Code

  • What It Means to Be an Employee
  • Working with Disk Files (a Brief Detour)
  • Defining Subclasses (What It Means to Be a Full-Time or Part-Time Employee)
  • Using Subclasses
  • Changing the Payments for Only Some of the Employees

Constructing New Objects

  • Defining Constructors (What It Means to Be a Temperature)
  • Doing Something about the Weather
  • A Constructor That Does More

Putting Variables and Methods Where They Belong

  • Defining a Class (What It Means to Be a Baseball Player)
  • Making Static (Finding the Team Average)
  • Experiments with Variables
  • Passing Parameters

Using Arrays to Juggle Values

  • Getting Your Ducks All in a Row
  • Arrays of Objects
  • How to Argue with Your Code

Using Collections and Streams (When Arrays Aren't Good Enough)

  • Arrays Have Limitations
  • Collection Classes to the Rescue
  • Functional Programming

Looking Good When Things Take Unexpected Turns

  • Garbage In
  • The Buck Stops Here, Except When It Doesn't
  • Try, Try Again!

Sharing Names among the Parts of a Java Program

  • Access Modifiers
  • Classes and Their Members
  • Public and Private Access for Members
  • Default Access for Members
  • Protected Access for Members
  • Access Modifiers for Java Classes
  • From Classes Come Modules

Fancy Reference Types

  • Java's Types
  • The Java Interface
  • Abstract Classes
  • Relax! You're Not Seeing Double!

Java's Juggling Act

  • Juggling Two or More Calls 
  • Some Events Aren't Button Clicks 
  • The Inner Sanctum 

Using Java Database Connectivity

  • Creating a Database and a Table
  • Putting Data in the Table
  • Retrieving Data
  • Destroying Data
  • One Step Beyond

Ten Packs of Java Websites

  • This Course’s Website
  • For Business Issues Related to This Course
  • Download the Java Development Kit
  • Your Grandparents' Java Download Site
  • The Horse’s Mouth
  • Join Java User Groups
  • Find the Latest News about Java
  • Find News, Reviews, and Sample Code
  • Got a Technical Question about Anything?
  • Become Involved in the Future of Java

Ten Bits of Advice for New Software Developers

  • How Long Does It Take to Learn Java?
  • Which of Your Books Should I Read?
  • Are Books Other than Yours Good for Learning Java and Android Development?
  • Which Computer Programming Language(s) Should I Learn?
  • Which Skills Other than Computer Coding Should I Learn?
  • How Should I Continue My Learning as a Software Developer?
  • How Else Should I Continue My Learning as a Developer?
  • How Can I Land a Job Developing Software?
  • I Still Don’t Know What to Do with My Life
  • If I Have Other Questions, How Can I Contact You?


All about Java

  • Understanding Java Instructions

Using the Basic Building Blocks

  • Using Method Declaration
  • Creating the main() Method
  • Using Comments

Making the Most of Variables and Their Values

  • Using the int Type
  • Using Variables
  • Using Java Primitives
  • Using Reference Types
  • Using the Assignment Operators
  • Using the Increment Operator

Controlling Program Flow with Decision-Making Statements

  • Using the if Statement
  • Using the Logical OR Operator
  • Using the Logical AND Operator
  • Using Conditions
  • Using the if-else Statement
  • Using Nested if Statements
  • Using the switch Statement

Controlling Program Flow with Loops

  • Using the while Statement
  • Using the for Statement
  • Computing the Factorial of a Number
  • Using Multiple Loops
  • Using the continue Statement
  • Using the break Statement
  • Using the do/while Statement

The Inside scOOP

  • Creating an Object
  • Creating a Method
  • Passing Parameters to a Method

Saving Time and Money: Reusing Existing Code

  • Grouping Separators
  • Reading the Content of a File

Constructing New Objects

  • Creating a Constructor
  • Displaying a Frame

Putting Variables and Methods Where They Belong

  • Passing an Object to a Method

Using Arrays to Juggle Values

  • Declaring an Array
  • Writing Values in a File
  • Using the conditional operator

Using Collections and Streams (When Arrays Aren't Good Enough)

  • Using String Methods
  • Using a Lambda Expression

Looking Good When Things Take Unexpected Turns

  • Using the try/catch Block
  • Using the throws Keyword

Sharing Names among the Parts of a Java Program

  • Using the Access Modifier

Fancy Reference Types

  • Creating an Interface
  • Using the Abstract Method

Java's Juggling Act

  • Creating a Textbox and a Progress Bar Using Event Handling

Using Java Database Connectivity

  • Working with JDBC Statements
  • Executing a SQL Query
  • Displaying Records

Java for Beginners

$ 199.99

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