EMT Exam

(EMT-EXAM.AE1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-527-5
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Über diesen Kurs

Der EMT-Prüfungskurs bereitet Sie auf die Zertifizierungsprüfung zum Rettungssanitäter (EMT) vor. Egal, ob Sie Rettungssanitäter werden, Ihre Karriere im Rettungsdienst vorantreiben oder einfach nur Ihr Wissen und Ihre Fähigkeiten in der präklinischen Versorgung verbessern möchten, der Kurs unterstützt Sie auf Ihrem Weg. Der Kurs deckt alle wichtigen Bereiche ab, die in der EMT-Prüfung geprüft werden, darunter: Medizinisches Wissen, Traumamanagement, Patientenbeurteilung, Medizinische Verfahren, Spezielle Patientengruppen und EMS-Operationen.

Fähigkeiten, die Sie erwerben werden


16+ Unterricht | 360+ Übungen | 180+ Tests |


3+ Ausführliche Tests | 360+ Testfragen zur Praxis



  • About This Course
  • Assumptions
  • Icons Used in This Course
  • Where to Go from Here

Becoming an Emergency Medical Technician

  • Understanding What Being an EMT Means
  • Walking through the Steps of Becoming an EMT
  • Maintaining Your EMT Certification

Taking an EMT Course and Registering for the EMT Exam

  • Enrolling in and Completing an EMT Course
  • Signing Up for the EMT Exam

Getting to Know the EMT Exam

  • Checking Out the Cognitive Exam
  • Completing the Practical Exam Portion

The Anatomy of the Multiple-Choice Question

  • Looking at the Parts
  • Breaking Down a Question Step by Step

Checking Out Computer Adaptive Testing

  • Understanding How Computer Adaptive Testing Works
  • Adapting to Computer Adaptive Testing

Preparing for the Exam

  • Gearing Up to Study
  • Making the Most Out of Studying
  • Picking Out Other Pointers for Success

Doing Your Best During the Exam

  • Knowing What to Expect in a Nutshell
  • Staying Focused and Positive During the Exam
  • Getting Your Results and Moving Ahead

The Airway, Respiration, and Ventilation

  • Getting an Overview of the Respiratory System
  • Knowing the Airway and Breathing Issues to Look for When You Assess Patients
  • Taking Action on Potential Airway and Breathing Problems

Cardiology and Resuscitation Essentials

  • Checking Out the Cardiovascular System
  • Knowing the Cardiovascular Issues to Look for When You Assess Patients
  • Acting on Potential Cardiovascular Problems

Medical and Obstetrics/Gynecology Fundamentals

  • Introducing the Body’s Main Systems
  • Feeling Out the Nervous System
  • Moving through the Gastrointestinal System
  • Fighting Invaders with the Immune System
  • Taking Control with the Endocrine System
  • Getting the Scoop on the Hematologic System (Blood)
  • Considering the Urinary System
  • Cycling through Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Boning Up on the Musculoskeletal System
  • Understanding Toxicology
  • Handling Psychiatric Disorders and Behavioral Emergencies

Trauma Basics

  • Relating the Mechanism of Injury to Injury Patterns
  • Investigating Injuries That Affect the Airway and Breathing
  • Assessing Injuries That Affect Circulation
  • Evaluating Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Managing Trauma Step by Step

The Scoop on Pediatrics

  • Sorting Out What Makes Children Different from Adults
  • Managing the Pediatric Patient

EMS Operations

  • Maintaining Medical Legal Standards
  • Staying Healthy, Sane, and Safe
  • Communicating Well with Others During an Emergency
  • Understanding Emergency Vehicle Operations
  • Managing Large Incidents

Ten Assessment Tips for EMTs

  • Looking at the Whole Patient
  • Assessing the ABCs before Anything Else
  • Deciding Whether to Oxygenate or Ventilate
  • Determining Shock
  • Searching for the Signs of Beck’s Triad
  • Checking for Cushing’s Triad
  • Recognizing That Not All Wheezes Are Asthma
  • Listing the Causes of Altered Mental Status
  • Understanding That Not All Myocardial Infarctions Have Chest Pain as a Symptom
  • Knowing That Crying Is a Good Sign in Pediatric Patients

Ten Tips for Performing EMT Procedures

  • Practice, Practice, Practice
  • Closely Evaluate Breathing
  • Palpate Firmly and Steadily
  • Improve the Volume of Lung Sounds
  • Immobilize the Patient’s Spine at the Correct Time
  • Control Bleeding Immediately
  • Splint an Angulated Fracture the Way You Found It (If Possible)
  • Perform a Focused Physical Exam
  • Make an Abdominal Exam More Accurate
  • Provide Consistent Medical Documentation

EMT Exam

$ 139.99

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