GED Test Prep 2023/2024

(GED.AE1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-526-8
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Über diesen Kurs

Der GED-Testvorbereitungskurs soll Ihnen dabei helfen, den General Educational Development (GED)-Test erfolgreich zu bestehen. Der GED-Test bietet Personen ohne High School-Abschluss die Möglichkeit, ein gleichwertiges Diplom zu erwerben, das landesweit von Arbeitgebern und Hochschulen anerkannt wird. Der Kurs deckt alle vier Themenbereiche des GED-Tests ab: Mathematisches Denken, sprachliches Denken, Naturwissenschaften und Sozialkunde.

Fähigkeiten, die Sie erwerben werden


18+ Unterricht | 464+ Übungen | 135+ Tests |


3+ Ausführliche Tests | 464+ Testfragen zur Praxis



  • About This Course
  • A Few Assumptions
  • Icons Used in This Course
  • Where to Go from Here

A Quick Glance at the GED Test

  • What to Expect: The Testing Format
  • Reviewing the Test Sections
  • It’s a Date: Scheduling the Test
  • Taking the GED Test When English Is Your Second Language
  • What You Have to Score to Pass the GED Test

The Ins and Outs of the Computerized GED Test

  • Familiarizing Yourself with the Computer
  • Recognizing What the Questions Look Like on the Computer Screen

The GED Test’s Four Sections and You

  • Examining the Reasoning through Language Arts Test
  • Handling the Social Studies Test
  • Knowing How to Grapple with the Science Test
  • Conquering the Mathematical Reasoning Test

Succeeding on the GED Test

  • Leading Up to Test Time
  • Using Practice Tests to Your Advantage
  • Finding Out What to Take to the GED Test
  • Making Sure You’re Comfortable Before the Test Begins
  • Discovering Important Test-Taking Strategies
  • Keeping Your Head in the Game

Preparing for the Reasoning through Language Arts Test

  • Grasping What’s on the Grammar and Language Component
  • Rocking the Reading Comprehension Component
  • Preparing for the RLA Test with Tactics That Work

RLA Question Types and Solving Strategies

  • Tackling Grammar and Language Questions
  • Choosing Wisely in the Reading Component

Preparing for the Extended Response Component

  • Examining the Extended Response Item
  • Writing the RLA Extended Response

Writing an Extended Response Item

  • Getting Familiar with RLA Extended Response
  • A Sample Extended Response Prompt
  • Evaluating Your Response
  • Checking Out a Sample Response

A Graph, a Map, and You: Getting Ready for the Social Studies Test

  • Looking at the Skills the Social Studies Test Covers
  • Understanding the Social Studies Test Format and Content
  • Examining Preparation Strategies That Work

Social Studies Question Types and Solving Strategies

  • Answering Questions about Text and Visual Materials
  • Acing the Social Studies Items
  • Managing Your Time for the Social Studies Test

From Aardvarks to Atoms: Confronting the Science Test

  • Looking at the Skills the Science Test Covers
  • Understanding the Test Format and What Topics Are Covered
  • Examining Preparation Strategies That Work

Science Question Types and Solving Strategies

  • Tackling the Science Test Questions
  • Practicing with Sample Items
  • Managing Your Time for the Science Test

Safety in Numbers: Facing the Mathematical Reasoning Test

  • Looking at the Skills the Math Test Covers
  • Understanding the Test Format
  • Revealing Some Helpful Prep Pointers

Mathematical Reasoning Question Types and Solving Strategies

  • Perfecting Your Approach with Sample Questions
  • Using the Mathematical Reasoning Test’s Special Features
  • Managing Your Time for the Math Test

Ten Surefire Ways to Prepare for the GED Test

  • Strategizing Where and When You Will Test
  • Taking Practice Tests
  • Studying Subject-Matter Books
  • Enrolling in a GED Test Preparation Class
  • Setting a Time and a Place to Study
  • Getting Familiar with the Computer, Calculator, and Formula Sheet
  • Preparing for the Test in Your Mind
  • Getting Good Rest the Week before the Test
  • Making Sure You Have Proper Identification
  • Setting Up Your Test Area or Getting to the Test Site

Ten Tips for Surviving Test Day

  • Wear Comfortable Clothes
  • Arrive at the Test Site Early
  • Keep Conversations Light and Short
  • Arrange Your Work Area
  • Relax and Breathe
  • Stay Focused on the Task at Hand
  • Look at Only Your Test
  • Start with the Easy Questions
  • Write Clearly and Carefully
  • Do Your Best, No Matter What

Appendix: Practicing Basic Computer Skills for the GED Test

  • Using a Mouse
  • Practicing Your Typing on a Keyboard

GED Test Prep 2023/2024

$ 139.99

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