C# 9 and .NET 5 – Modern Cross-Platform Development - Fifth Edition

(C9-NET5.AJ1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-249-6
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Über diesen Kurs

Erlernen Sie C#-Programmierkenntnisse mit dem Kurs und Labor „C# 9 und .NET 5 – Moderne plattformübergreifende Entwicklung“. Der C#-Schulungskurs und das Labor vermitteln die erforderlichen Fähigkeiten für die Durchführung von Aufgaben wie das Verwalten und Abfragen von Daten, das Überwachen und Verbessern der Leistung und das Arbeiten mit dem Dateisystem. Der C#-Kurs beinhaltet das beste C#-Tutorial, das praktisches Fachwissen zu den Grundlagen von C# vermittelt, einschließlich objektorientierter Programmierung und neuen Funktionen von C# 9.

Fähigkeiten, die Sie erwerben werden


22+ Unterricht | 168+ Tests | 210+ Karteikarten | 210+ Glossar der Begriffe


60+ Fragen vor der Beurteilung | 60+ Fragen nach der Bewertung |

Praktische Übungen

65+ LiveLab | 65+ Videoanleitungen | 01:30+ Hours


Hello, C#! Welcome, .NET!

  • Setting up your development environment
  • Understanding .NET
  • Building console apps using Visual Studio Code
  • Downloading solution code from the GitHub repository
  • Looking for help
  • Practicing and exploring
  • Summary

Speaking C#

  • Introducing C#
  • Understanding C# basics
  • Working with variables
  • Working with null values
  • Exploring console applications further
  • Practicing and exploring
  • Summary

Controlling Flow and Converting Types

  • Operating on variables
  • Understanding selection statements
  • Understanding iteration statements
  • Casting and converting between types
  • Practicing and exploring
  • Summary

Writing, Debugging, and Testing Functions

  • Writing functions
  • Debugging during development
  • Logging during development and runtime
  • Unit testing functions
  • Practicing and exploring
  • Summary

Building Your Own Types with Object-Oriented Programming

  • Talking about object-oriented programming
  • Building class libraries
  • Storing data within fields
  • Writing and calling methods
  • Controlling access with properties and indexers
  • Pattern matching with objects
  • Working with records
  • Practicing and exploring
  • Summary

Implementing Interfaces and Inheriting Classes

  • Setting up a class library and console application
  • Simplifying methods
  • Raising and handling events
  • Implementing interfaces
  • Making types safely reusable with generics
  • Managing memory with reference and value types
  • Inheriting from classes
  • Casting within inheritance hierarchies
  • Inheriting and extending .NET types
  • Practicing and exploring
  • Summary

Understanding and Packaging .NET Types

  • Introducing .NET 5
  • Understanding .NET components
  • Publishing your applications for deployment
  • Decompiling assemblies
  • Packaging your libraries for NuGet distribution
  • Porting from .NET Framework to .NET 5
  • Practicing and exploring
  • Summary

Working with Common .NET Types

  • Working with numbers
  • Working with text
  • Pattern matching with regular expressions
  • Storing multiple objects in collections
  • Working with spans, indexes, and ranges
  • Working with network resources
  • Working with types and attributes
  • Working with images
  • Internationalizing your code
  • Practicing and exploring
  • Summary

Working with Files, Streams, and Serialization

  • Managing the filesystem
  • Reading and writing with streams
  • Encoding and decoding text
  • Serializing object graphs
  • Practicing and exploring
  • Summary

Protecting Your Data and Applications

  • Understanding the vocabulary of protection
  • Encrypting and decrypting data
  • Hashing data
  • Signing data
  • Generating random numbers
  • What's new in cryptography?
  • Authenticating and authorizing users
  • Practicing and exploring
  • Summary

Working with Databases Using Entity Framework Core

  • Understanding modern databases
  • Setting up EF Core
  • Defining EF Core models
  • Querying EF Core models
  • Loading patterns with EF Core
  • Manipulating data with EF Core
  • Practicing and exploring
  • Summary

Querying and Manipulating Data Using LINQ

  • Writing LINQ queries
  • Working with sets and bags using LINQ
  • Using LINQ with EF Core
  • Sweetening LINQ syntax with syntactic sugar
  • Using multiple threads with parallel LINQ
  • Creating your own LINQ extension methods
  • Working with LINQ to XML
  • Practicing and exploring
  • Summary

Improving Performance and Scalability Using Multitasking

  • Understanding processes, threads, and tasks
  • Monitoring performance and resource usage
  • Running tasks asynchronously
  • Synchronizing access to shared resources
  • Understanding async and await
  • Practicing and exploring
  • Summary

Introducing Practical Applications of C# and .NET

  • Understanding app models for C# and .NET
  • New features in ASP.NET Core
  • Understanding SignalR
  • Understanding Blazor
  • Understanding the bonus lessons
  • Building an entity data model for Northwind
  • Summary

Building Websites Using ASP.NET Core Razor Pages

  • Understanding web development
  • Understanding ASP.NET Core
  • Exploring Razor Pages
  • Using Entity Framework Core with ASP.NET Core
  • Using Razor class libraries
  • Configuring services and the HTTP request pipeline
  • Practicing and exploring
  • Summary

Building Websites Using the Model-View-Controller Pattern

  • Setting up an ASP.NET Core MVC website
  • Exploring an ASP.NET Core MVC website
  • Customizing an ASP.NET Core MVC website
  • Using other project templates
  • Practicing and exploring
  • Summary

Building Websites Using a Content Management System

  • Understanding the benefits of a CMS
  • Understanding Piranha CMS
  • Defining components, content types, and templates
  • Testing the Northwind CMS website
  • Practicing and exploring
  • Summary

Building and Consuming Web Services

  • Building web services using the ASP.NET Core Web API
  • Documenting and testing web services
  • Consuming services using HTTP clients
  • Implementing advanced features
  • Understanding other communication technologies
  • Practicing and exploring
  • Summary

Building Intelligent Apps Using Machine Learning

  • Understanding machine learning
  • Understanding ML.NET
  • Making product recommendations
  • Practicing and exploring
  • Summary

Building Web User Interfaces Using Blazor

  • Understanding Blazor
  • Building components using Blazor Server
  • Building components using Blazor WebAssembly
  • Practicing and exploring
  • Summary

Building Cross-Platform Mobile Apps

  • Understanding XAML
  • Understanding Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms
  • Building mobile apps using Xamarin.Forms
  • Consuming a web service from a mobile app
  • Practicing and exploring
  • Summary

Appendix A: Building Windows Desktop Apps

  • Understanding legacy Windows application platforms
  • Migrating WPF apps to .NET 5
  • Understanding the modern Windows platform
  • Creating a modern Windows app
  • Exploring common controls and acrylic brushes
  • Exploring Reveal
  • Using resources and templates
  • Replacing a control template
  • Using data binding
  • Practicing and exploring
  • Summary


Hello, C#! Welcome, .NET!

  • Creating a Simple Console Application
  • Getting Definitions of Data Types
  • Getting Help for the dotnet Tool

Speaking C#

  • Using Variables
  • Using the sizeof() Operator
  • Comparing Decimal and Double Values
  • Using the default() Operator
  • Using Interpolation of Strings
  • Formatting Strings
  • Getting Text Input From a User

Controlling Flow and Converting Types

  • Using Operators
  • Using the switch Statement
  • Using the if else Statement
  • Using the foreach Loop
  • Using the for Loop
  • Using the while Loop
  • Using the do while Loop
  • Using Error Handling
  • Implementing the Explicit Type Conversion
  • Implementing the Implicit Type Conversion

Writing, Debugging, and Testing Functions

  • Using Recursion
  • Using the return Keyword
  • Creating a Function
  • Logging in C#

Building Your Own Types with Object-Oriented Programming

  • Creating a Class
  • Creating an Object
  • Using Access Modifiers
  • Defining Fields in a Class
  • Using Properties
  • Using enum
  • Using Constructors
  • Using Methods in a Class
  • Using Tuples
  • Using Records

Implementing Interfaces and Inheriting Classes

  • Using Events
  • Using a Static Delegate
  • Using Instance Delegates
  • Creating an Abstract Class
  • Using Polymorphism
  • Using Encapsulation

Understanding and Packaging .NET Types

  • Publishing a Console Application

Working with Common .NET Types

  • Checking the Content of a String
  • Splitting a String
  • Using Regular Expressions
  • Using Dictionaries
  • Using Lists

Working with Files, Streams, and Serialization

  • Managing File Paths
  • Using a StreamWriter Class
  • Using StreamReader
  • Using the BinaryWriter Class
  • Using Serialization

Protecting Your Data and Applications

  • Implementing AES Encryption

Working with Databases Using Entity Framework Core

  • Managing a Database with SQLiteStudio
  • Setting up the dotnet-ef Tool
  • Connecting to a Database in Visual Studio

Querying and Manipulating Data Using LINQ

  • Using LINQ Queries
  • Using the LINQ OrderBy Operator
  • Using the UNION Operator
  • Using LINQ to XML

Improving Performance and Scalability Using Multitasking

  • Applying a Mutually Exclusive Lock
  • Using the Thread.Sleep Method

Building Websites Using ASP.NET Core Razor Pages

  • Finding a List and Configuring a Windows Service

Building Websites Using the Model-View-Controller Pattern

  • Creating a Link

Building and Consuming Web Services

  • Creating a Web Service

Building Web User Interfaces Using Blazor

  • Using Blazor

C# 9 and .NET 5 – Modern Cross-Platform Development - Fifth Edition

$ 279.99

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