Computer Organization and Architecture

(COMP-ORG-ARC.AB2) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-572-5
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Über diesen Kurs

Der Kurs und das Labor zu Computerorganisation und -architektur decken das gesamte Feld des Computerdesigns ab und sind auf dem neuesten Stand der Forschung und Innovationen in Computerstruktur und -funktion. Das Labor ist Cloud-basiert, gerätefähig und kann problemlos in ein LMS integriert werden. Der Kurs und das Labor zur Computerarchitektur vermitteln auch Wissen in Bereichen wie E/A-Funktionen und -Strukturen, RISC und Parallelprozessoren mit Beispielen aus der Praxis, die das Interesse des Lesers wecken.

Fähigkeiten, die Sie erwerben werden


29+ Unterricht | 149+ Übungen | 200+ Tests | 169+ Karteikarten | 169+ Glossar der Begriffe


42+ Fragen vor der Beurteilung | 57+ Fragen nach der Bewertung |

Praktische Übungen

30+ LiveLab | 14+ Videoanleitungen | 06+ Minutes


7+ Videos | 05+ Minutes



  • What’s New in the Eleventh Edition
  • Support of ACM/IEEE Computer Science and Computer Engineering Curricula
  • Objectives
  • Example Systems
  • Plan of the Text

Basic Concepts and Computer Evolution

  • Organization and Architecture
  • Structure and Function
  • The IAS Computer
  • Gates, Memory Cells, Chips, and Multichip Modules
  • The Evolution of the Intel x86 Architecture
  • Embedded Systems
  • ARM Architecture

Performance Concepts

  • Designing for Performance
  • Multicore, Mics, and GPGPUs
  • Two Laws that Provide Insight: Amdahl's Law and Little’s Law
  • Basic Measures of Computer Performance
  • Calculating the Mean
  • Benchmarks and Spec

A Top-Level View of Computer Function and Interconnection

  • Computer Components
  • Computer Function
  • Interconnection Structures
  • Bus Interconnection
  • Point-to-Point Interconnect
  • PCI Express

The Memory Hierarchy: Locality and Performance

  • Principle of Locality
  • Characteristics of Memory Systems
  • The Memory Hierarchy
  • Performance Modeling of a Multilevel Memory Hierarchy

Cache Memory

  • Cache Memory Principles
  • Elements of Cache Design
  • Implementing Cache Controllers
  • Intel x86 Cache Organization
  • The IBM z13 Cache Organization
  • Cache Performance Models

Internal Memory

  • Semiconductor Main Memory
  • Error Correction
  • eDRAM
  • Flash Memory
  • Newer Nonvolatile Solid-State Memory Technologies

External Memory 

  • Magnetic Disk
  • RAID
  • Solid State Drives
  • Optical Memory
  • Magnetic Tape


  • External Devices
  • I/O Modules
  • Programmed I/O
  • Interrupt-Driven I/O
  • Direct Memory Access
  • Direct Cache Access
  • I/O Channels and Processors
  • External Interconnection Standards
  • IBM z13 I/O Structure

Operating System Support

  • Operating System Overview
  • Scheduling
  • Memory Management
  • Intel x86 Memory Management
  • ARM Memory Management

Number Systems

  • The Decimal System
  • Positional Number Systems
  • The Binary System
  • Converting Between Binary and Decimal
  • Hexadecimal Notation

Computer Arithmetic

  • The Arithmetic and Logic Unit
  • Integer Representation
  • Integer Arithmetic
  • Floating-Point Representation
  • Floating-Point Arithmetic

Digital Logic

  • Boolsche Algebra
  • Gates
  • Combinational Circuits
  • Sequential Circuits
  • Programmable Logic Devices

Instruction Sets: Characteristics and Functions

  • Machine Instruction Characteristics
  • Types of Operands
  • Intel x86 and ARM Data Types
  • Types of Operations
  • Intel x86 and ARM Operation Types
  • Appendix 13A Little-, Big-, and Bi-Endian

Instruction Sets: Addressing Modes and Formats

  • Addressing Modes
  • x86 and ARM Addressing Modes
  • Instruction Formats
  • x86 and ARM Instruction Formats

Assembly Language and Related Topics

  • Assembly Language Concepts
  • Motivation For Assembly Language Programming
  • Assembly Language Elements
  • Types of assemblers
  • Assemblers
  • Loading and Linking

Processor Structure and Function

  • Processor Organization
  • Register Organization
  • Instruction Cycle
  • Instruction Pipelining
  • Processor Organization for Pipelining
  • The x86 Processor Family
  • The ARM Processor

Reduced Instruction Set Computers

  • Instruction Execution Characteristics
  • The Use of a Large Register File
  • Compiler-Based Register Optimization
  • Reduced Instruction Set Architecture
  • RISC Pipelining
  • RISC-V Instructions
  • MIPS R4000
  • Processor Organization For Pipelining
  • CISC, RISC, And Contemporary Systems

Instruction-Level Parallelism and Superscalar Processors

  • Overview
  • Design Issues
  • Intel Core Microarchitecture
  • ARM Cortex-A8
  • ARM Cortex-A53
  • ARM Cortex-M3

Control Unit Operation and Microprogrammed Control

  • Micro-Operations
  • Control of the Processor
  • Hardwired Implementation
  • Microprogrammed Control

Parallel Processing

  • Multiple Processor Organizations
  • Symmetric Multiprocessors
  • Cache Coherence and the MESI Protocol
  • Multithreading and Chip Multiprocessors
  • Clusters
  • Nonuniform Memory Access

Multicore Computers

  • Hardware Performance Issues
  • Software Performance Issues
  • Multicore Organization
  • Heterogeneous Multicore Organization
  • INTEL Core i7 Memory Hierarchies
  • The ARM Cortex-A53 and Intel Core i7 Memory Hierarchies
  • INTEL Core i7-5960X
  • INTEL Core i7 6700
  • ARM Cortex-A15 MPCore
  • IBM z13 Mainframe

Appendix A: System Buses

  • A.1 Bus Structure
  • A.2 Multiple-Bus Hierarchies
  • A.3 Elements of Bus Design

Appendix B: Victim Cache Strategies

  • B.1 Victim Cache
  • B.2 Selective Victim Cache

Appendix C: Interleaved Memory


Appendix D: The International Reference Alphabet


Appendix E: Stacks

  • E.1 Stacks
  • E.2 Stack Implementation
  • E.3 Expression Evaluation

Appendix F: Recursive Procedures

  • F.1 Recursion
  • F.2 Activation Tree Representation
  • F.3 Stack Implementation
  • F.4 Recursion and Iteration

Appendix G: Additional Instruction Pipeline Topics

  • G.1 Pipeline Reservation Tables
  • G.2 Reorder Buffers
  • G.3 Tomasulo’s Algorithm
  • G.4 Scoreboarding

Basic Concepts and Computer Evolution

  • Installing a CPU Fan on a Motherboard
  • Installing Motherboard Components
  • Installing a Motherboard, Processor, and Processor Fan
  • Installing an Expansion Card on a Motherboard

Performance Concepts

  • Calculating the Mean

A Top-Level View of Computer Function and Interconnection

  • Installing Input and Output Devices
  • Identifying a PCI Bus Slot

The Memory Hierarchy: Locality and Performance

  • Determining the Characteristics of Memory Devices in a Memory Architecture

Cache Memory

  • Determining L3 Cache Sizes for The Processors

Internal Memory

  • Determining Semiconductor Memory Types and Their Erasure Processes
  • Installing DDR5 RAM on a Motherboard

External Memory 

  • Connecting the Motherboard to the Internal Hard Disk


  • Installing an NIC on a Motherboard of a CPU
  • Connecting a New Workstation to the Internet
  • Connecting a USB Printer

Operating System Support

  • Configuring a Wireless Client

Number Systems

  • Converting Fraction Decimal Number into Equivalent Binary Number

Computer Arithmetic

  • Konvertieren einer Dezimalzahl in eine Zweierkomplement-Binärzahl

Digital Logic

  • Identifying Types of Logic Gates

Instruction Sets: Addressing Modes and Formats

  • Identify the Addressing Mode

Assembly Language and Related Topics

  • Verwendung des größten gemeinsamen Teilers

Processor Structure and Function

  • Installing an i7 Processor on a Motherboard

Reduced Instruction Set Computers

  • Determining Characteristics of Processors

Instruction-Level Parallelism and Superscalar Processors

  • Understanding the Intel Core Microarchitecture

Control Unit Operation and Microprogrammed Control

  • Understanding The Functioning of Microprogrammed Control Unit

Parallel Processing

  • Determing the Types of Parallel Processor Systems
  • Installing Memory Modules on a Motherboard

Multicore Computers

  • Identifying Chip Organizations
  • Identifying Levels of Cache
  • Determining ARM ACE Cache Line States

Computer Organization and Architecture

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