C Primer Plus

(C-BASIC.AP1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-441-4
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Über diesen Kurs

Beherrschen Sie die Grundlagen der C-Programmierung mit dem C Primer Plus-Kurs! Dieser Kurs bietet einen freundlichen und lehrreichen Ansatz mit interaktiven Lektionen, Tests und praktischen Übungen. Erkunden Sie die Entwicklung der C-Sprache, erlangen Sie ein klares Verständnis von Programmierkonzepten und verbessern Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten durch praktische Beispiele und Übungen. Egal, ob Sie Anfänger sind oder Ihr Wissen vertiefen möchten, diese neueste Ausgabe bietet Ihnen eine unterhaltsame und effektive Einführung in die Welt der C-Programmierung.

Fähigkeiten, die Sie erwerben werden


19+ Unterricht | 29+ Übungen | 201+ Tests | 82+ Karteikarten | 82+ Glossar der Begriffe



  • Approach and Goals
  • About This eBook

Getting Ready

  • Whence C?
  • Why C?
  • Whither C?
  • What Computers Do
  • High-level Computer Languages and Compilers
  • Language Standards
  • Using C: Seven Steps
  • Programming Mechanics
  • How This Course Is Organized
  • Conventions Used in This Course
  • Summary
  • Review Questions
  • Programming Exercise

Introducing C

  • A Simple Example of C
  • The Example Explained
  • The Structure of a Simple Program
  • Tips on Making Your Programs Readable
  • Taking Another Step in Using C
  • While You’re at It—Multiple Functions
  • Introducing Debugging
  • Keywords and Reserved Identifiers
  • Key Concepts
  • Summary
  • Review Questions
  • Programming Exercises

Data and C

  • A Sample Program
  • Data Variables and Constants
  • Data: Data-Type Keywords
  • Basic C Data Types
  • Using Data Types
  • Arguments and Pitfalls
  • One More Example: Escape Sequences
  • Key Concepts
  • Summary
  • Review Questions
  • Programming Exercises

Character Strings and Formatted Input/Output

  • Introductory Program
  • Character Strings: An Introduction
  • Constants and the C Preprocessor
  • Exploring and Exploiting printf() and scanf()
  • Key Concepts
  • Summary
  • Review Questions
  • Programming Exercises

Operators, Expressions, and Statements

  • Introducing Loops
  • Fundamental Operators
  • Some Additional Operators
  • Expressions and Statements
  • Type Conversions
  • Function with Arguments
  • A Sample Program
  • Key Concepts
  • Summary
  • Review Questions
  • Programming Exercises

C Control Statements: Looping

  • Revisiting the while Loop
  • The while Statement
  • Which Is Bigger: Using Relational Operators and Expressions
  • Indefinite Loops and Counting Loops
  • The for Loop
  • More Assignment Operators: >+=, -=, *=, /=, %=
  • The Comma Operator
  • An Exit-Condition Loop: do while
  • Which Loop?
  • Nested Loops
  • Introducing Arrays
  • A Loop Example Using a Function Return Value
  • Key Concepts
  • Summary
  • Review Questions
  • Programming Exercises

C Control Statements: Branching and Jumps

  • The if Statement
  • Adding else to the if Statement
  • Let’s Get Logical
  • A Word-Count Program
  • The Conditional Operator: ?:
  • Loop Aids: continue and break
  • Multiple Choice: switch and break
  • The goto Statement
  • Key Concepts
  • Summary
  • Review Questions
  • Programming Exercises

Character Input/Output and Input Validation

  • Single-Character I/O: getchar() and putchar()
  • Buffers
  • Terminating Keyboard Input
  • Redirection and Files
  • Creating a Friendlier User Interface
  • Input Validation
  • Menu Browsing
  • Key Concepts
  • Summary
  • Review Questions
  • Programming Exercises


  • Reviewing Functions
  • ANSI C Function Prototyping
  • Recursion
  • Compiling Programs with Two or More Source Code Files
  • Finding Addresses: The & Operator
  • Altering Variables in the Calling Function
  • Pointers: A First Look
  • Key Concepts
  • Summary
  • Review Questions
  • Programming Exercises

Arrays and Pointers

  • Arrays
  • Multidimensional Arrays
  • Pointers and Arrays
  • Functions, Arrays, and Pointers
  • Pointer Operations
  • Protecting Array Contents
  • Pointers and Multidimensional Arrays
  • Variable-Length Arrays (VLAs)
  • Compound Literals
  • Key Concepts
  • Summary
  • Review Questions
  • Programming Exercises

Character Strings and String Functions

  • Representing Strings and String I/O
  • String Input
  • String Output
  • The Do-It-Yourself Option
  • String Functions
  • A String Example: Sorting Strings
  • The ctype.h Character Functions and Strings
  • Command-Line Arguments
  • String-to-Number Conversions
  • Key Concepts
  • Summary
  • Review Questions
  • Programming Exercises

Storage Classes, Linkage, and Memory Management

  • Storage Classes
  • A Random-Number Function and a Static Variable
  • Roll ’Em
  • Allocated Memory: malloc() and free()
  • ANSI C Type Qualifiers
  • Key Concepts
  • Summary
  • Review Questions
  • Programming Exercises

File Input/Output

  • Communicating with Files
  • Standard I/O
  • A Simple-Minded File-Condensing Program
  • File I/O: fprintf(), fscanf(), fgets(), and fputs()
  • Adventures in Random Access: fseek() and ftell()
  • Behind the Scenes with Standard I/O
  • Other Standard I/O Functions
  • Key Concepts
  • Summary
  • Review Questions
  • Programming Exercises

Structures and Other Data Forms

  • Sample Problem: Creating an Inventory of Books
  • Setting Up the Structure Declaration
  • Defining a Structure Variable
  • Arrays of Structures
  • Nested Structures
  • Pointers to Structures
  • Telling Functions About Structures
  • Saving the Structure Contents in a File
  • Structures: What Next?
  • Unions: A Quick Look
  • Enumerated Types
  • typedef: A Quick Look
  • Fancy Declarations
  • Functions and Pointers
  • Key Concepts
  • Summary
  • Review Questions
  • Programming Exercises

Bit Fiddling

  • Binary Numbers, Bits, and Bytes
  • Other Number Bases
  • C’s Bitwise Operators
  • Bit Fields
  • Alignment Features (C11)
  • Key Concepts
  • Summary
  • Review Questions
  • Programming Exercises

The C Preprocessor and the C Library

  • First Steps in Translating a Program
  • Manifest Constants: #define
  • Using Arguments with #define
  • Macro or Function?
  • File Inclusion: #include
  • Other Directives
  • Inline Functions (C99)
  • _Noreturn Functions (C11)
  • The C Library
  • The Math Library
  • The General Utilities Library
  • The Assert Library
  • memcpy() and memmove() from the string.h Library
  • Variable Arguments: stdarg.h
  • Key Concepts
  • Summary
  • Review Questions
  • Programming Exercises

Advanced Data Representation

  • Exploring Data Representation
  • Beyond the Array to the Linked List
  • Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
  • Getting Queued with an ADT
  • Simulating with a Queue
  • The Linked List Versus the Array
  • Binary Search Trees
  • Other Directions
  • Key Concepts
  • Summary
  • Review Questions
  • Programming Exercises

Appendix A: Reference Section

  • Section I: Additional Reading
  • Section II: C Operators
  • Section III: Basic Types and Storage Classes
  • Section IV: Expressions, Statements, and Program Flow
  • Section V: The Standard ANSI C Library with C99 and C11 Additions
  • Section VI: Extended Integer Types
  • Section VII: Expanded Character Support
  • Section VIII: C99/C11 Numeric Computational Enhancements
  • Section IX: Differences Between C and C++

Getting Ready

  • Using printf() and scanf()

Introducing C

  • Using Multiple Functions
  • Displaying the Value of a Variable

Data and C

  • Understanding Floating-Point Conversions
  • Converting an Integer to its ASCII Code

Character Strings and Formatted Input/Output

  • Performing String Formatting
  • Using Strings and Unit Conversion

Operators, Expressions, and Statements

  • Understanding Unit Conversion
  • Using Functions with Arguments
  • Using Operators

C Control Statements: Looping

  • Performing Calculations Using a Function Return Value
  • Using Character Arrays
  • Using Nested Loops

C Control Statements: Branching and Jumps

  • Using the switch Statement
  • Using Multiple Choice else if Statement
  • Using the if Statement

Character Input/Output and Input Validation

  • Understanding Character Input/Output
  • Using the ctype.h Library


  • Using a Loop to Calculate Fibonacci Numbers
  • Computing the Harmonic Mean of Two Numbers

Arrays and Pointers

  • Using Multidimensional Arrays
  • Performing Calculations on Multiple Arrays
  • Using Single-Dimensional Arrays

Character Strings and String Functions

  • Using String Input

Storage Classes, Linkage, and Memory Management

  • Understanding Memory Allocation

File Input/Output

  • Writing and Reading Numbers from a File

Structures and Other Data Forms

  • Understanding Nested Structures
  • Passing Structure Members as Arguments
  • Using Compound Literals and Structures

Bit Fiddling

  • Using Bitwise Operators
  • Understanding Binary Conversion

The C Preprocessor and the C Library

  • Using Macro Functions
  • Demonstrating the Usage of the atexit() Function

Advanced Data Representation

  • Displaying a String in Reverse Order Using Stacks

C Primer Plus

$ 239.99

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